GBZ Gresik

This Gouvernements Burgerlijke Ziekeninrichting (Government Civil Hospital) at Grissee was probably preceded by a hospital for syphilic women, which was founded in 1867 (Koloniaal Verslag 1870, 77) and renovated in 1893 (Koloniaal Verslag 1895, 133-134). In 1911 all hospitals of this category were closed, but a number kept on functioning as an Inlandsch (Indigenous) hospital, which later on was rebaptized into a Gouvernements Burgerlijke Ziekeninrichting. The hospital was mentioned in the Annex to the NI Staatsblad (Statute Book) no. 11446 of 30 August 1927. The hospital was one of the smaller categories (< 25 beds) and was entitled to admit patients in nursing class 4 (nursing fee ƒ 1,50 per day).

Grisee (Gresik) was a Regency and subdistrict of the Residency of Bodjonegoro in the Government of East Java. The Regency had 340,000 inhabitants of whom 190 Europeans and 2,000 Chinese. The capital of the Regency had the same name. (Gonggryp 1934,  386).

See also General hospitals-Google, for an exact location of the town of Grisee.

See also  the Comprehensive Atlas of the Netherlands East Indies (Asia Maior/knag, 2003) for a townplan of Grisee (Gresik) with indication of the place of the hospital (figure 8).

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